advent ['ædvɛnt] n. 到来;出现;基督降临;基督降临节
n. arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)
arrival , occurrence , emergence , appearance , rise
With the advent of apps, though, it’s become more like my religion
agile ['ædʒl] adj. 敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的\
Many of us came there to learn what this "agile thing" was all about.
albeit [,ɔl'biɪt] conj. 虽然;即使
although , while , though , if , as
Albeit fair,the girl was not sought after.

appealing [ə'pilɪŋ] adj. 吸引人的;动人的;引起兴趣的;恳求似的
something attractive
attractive , affecting , moving , absorbing , melting
The simplicity of this definition is appealing.
celebrated ['sɛlə'bretɪd]
contemporary [kən'tɛmpərɛri] n. 同时代的人;同时期的东西
n. a person of nearly the same age as another
contemporaneous . coeval . synchronous . simultaneous
He rubbished most of the novels written by contemporary writers.
distribute [dɪ'strɪbjut] vt. 分配;散布;分开;把…分类
- administer or bestow, as in small portions
- portion , part , spread
- You can then distribute your custom components, or you can move them from test to production.
- contribute to the progress or growth of
- promote advance boost further
- But, as leaders, how do we encourage them to do it?
- possessing or exerting or displaying energy
- active , positive , male , live , vigorous
- It was like an energetic movement through me.
refine [rɪ'faɪn] vt. 精炼,提纯;改善;使…文雅
adj. sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest
While this is an intellectually worthwhile goal, it does not usually add to the body of useful languages.
frail [frel] adj. 脆弱的;虚弱的
- the weight of a frail (basket) full of raisins or figs; between 50 and 75 pounds
- weak , tender , slight
- The frail cat was taken to the vet for treatment.
n. a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people
fairy story , fairy tales
Why do we continue to indulge the myth that the fabulous wealth generated by this mode of production will in the fullness of time become available to all?